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Extensions for


infix fun RectF.and(r: RectF): RectF

Returns the union of two rectangles as a new rectangle.


operator fun RectF.component1(): Float

Returns "left", the first component of the rectangle.


operator fun RectF.component2(): Float

Returns "top", the second component of the rectangle.


operator fun RectF.component3(): Float

Returns "right", the third component of the rectangle.


operator fun RectF.component4(): Float

Returns "bottom", the fourth component of the rectangle.


operator fun RectF.contains(p: PointF): Boolean

Returns true if the specified point is inside the rectangle. The left and top are considered to be inside, while the right and bottom are not. This means that for a point to be contained: left <= x < right and top <= y < bottom. An empty rectangle never contains any point.


operator fun RectF.minus(r: RectF): Region

Returns the difference of this rectangle and the specified rectangle as a new region. This rectangle is first converted to a Rect using RectF.toRect.

operator fun RectF.minus(xy: Float): RectF

Returns a new rectangle representing this rectangle offset by the negation of the specified amount on both X and Y axis.

operator fun RectF.minus(xy: PointF): RectF

Returns a new rectangle representing this rectangle offset by the negation of the specified point.


infix fun RectF.or(r: RectF): RectF

Returns the intersection of two rectangles as a new rectangle. If the rectangles do not intersect, returns a copy of the left hand side rectangle.


operator fun RectF): RectF

Performs the union of this rectangle and the specified rectangle and returns the result as a new rectangle.

operator fun Float): RectF

Returns a new rectangle representing this rectangle offset by the specified amount on both X and Y axis.

operator fun PointF): RectF

Returns a new rectangle representing this rectangle offset by the specified point.


fun RectF.toRect(): Rect

Returns a Rect representation of this rectangle. The resulting rect will be sized such that this rect can fit within it.


fun RectF.toRegion(): Region

Returns a Region representation of this rectangle. The resulting rect will be sized such that this rect can fit within it.


fun RectF.transform(m: Matrix): RectF

Transform this rectangle in place using the supplied Matrix and returns this rectangle.


infix fun RectF.xor(r: RectF): Region

Returns the union minus the intersection of two rectangles as a new region. The two rectangles are first converted to Rect using RectF.toRect.